Meet our TIGER. He's the cutest most adorable puppy in the world. He is absolutely spoiled and most people who know us say we treat him "as if" he were a real child. What is this "as if" business. He is very much so our baby. We are just awaiting his siblings. Isn't he the cutest? We got him Christmas Day 2008. Strange Story: My husband and I had been searching for a puppy for quite some time. For christmas, his gift to me was a digital camera. Excited to begin my new hobbie of photography (yeah right), I rushed to the local drugsore to get a memory card for my new camera. As we pull up to the drugstore, we parked next to a lady with several kids and, you guessed it, a puppy. You know how it is when you're ready to have a baby you have to stop and look at every baby in passing? Well, apparently it's the same with puppies. So I stopped and admired the puppy and the lady's response is "You want him?" In disbelief I continued to admire and she persisted. She explained that one of her children brought him home and her husband refuses to add a pet to their already busy household. So we took him home with us Christmas Day. He's God's Christmas gift to us. TRUE STORY!
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