Now on to other and definitely BIGGER news......THE BELLY!
As soon as the doctor declared my pregnancy, it seems my stomach received some sort of signal and started making room. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and look as if I have a miniature beach ball under my stomach. To add to my own shock and disbelief, I have onlookers who constantly protest that either 1. I am further along than the doctor knows (which is not likely considering the IUI process), or 2. There is more than 1 baby in there. The funny part about it is since I run a daycare, I see the same people everyday, yet they feel the need to say the same things EVERYDAY! I usually get a WHOA!!! Girl!!! followed by whatever their prediction is. I explain that we've already had an ultrasound and the doctor found one baby. Yet most people insist that another baby is hiding behind the baby we see and then proceed to tell me of a story of someone in there family that this has happened to. So somehow, genetics from their family has jumped to me and now I have another baby hiding in my stomach. I apologize for the sarcasm but you just wouldn't believe how many times I've heard these stories. Well, enough procrastination, I'll let you be the judge (judge nicely). I have finally decided to post a belly pic.
Adorable belly!!