I AM PREGNANT. Ok so I sat here debating how I should write this entry. Should I talk about the end of the 2 week wait and then lead to the news or should I just come out with it. It seems I couldn't come up with anything else until I got those three wonderful words out. I AM PREGNANT!!!! We are so excited. I would love to say I had the patience to wait the entire two weeks but the last few days were tortuous. In fact I actually took a test on day 6 and it was negative. Though I knew it was too early to tell, I was still somehow a little disappointed. Taking that test early, however, ended up being a good thing. The doctor explained that I shouldn't test early because sometimes the trigger shot (ovidrel) will give you a false positive since it has the pregnancy hormone (HCG) in it. Well testing early (day 6) and getting a negative meant that the medicine had run its course and was no longer in my system. So on day 11, my husband and I went to the store and bought 4 pregnacy test. We both declared that even though we had the test we would still wait until day 14 to test. Well, we didn't stick to that plan. Day 12, Memorial Day, I woke up with the extreme urge to use the restroom. I turned over looked at my husband and he already knew what I wanted to do. Deep down he was anxious to see as well. So I convinced him that if it was negative I wouldn't break down, and I would understand that it could be to early to tell. Well, it wasn't. As soon as I took the test, despite the suggested three minute wait, the word "Pregnant" popped up on the screen. I was so shocked, I think there was a little disbelief. My husband looked at it and hasn't stop grinning since. I took a test everyday until day 14 and they all (digital, plus or minus, line or no line) said that I am pregnant. I called the nurse on Day 14 to tell her the news and she asked me to come in to confirm with bloodwork. After waiting all day for the results call, I was so relieved to here her say "Yes mam, you are pregnant". We are so happy, and so thankful that God has answered our prayers. Words can't express our gratitude.
Awwwwwwww.......congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you!!