Friday, May 8, 2009

What a Day!

I have been extremely tired the last couple of days. Last night I had every intention to blog, but I laid on the bed just to rest for a second and the next thing you know my alarm clock was ringing for me to get ready for work the next morning. Well it's Day 5 and I had my first monitoring appointment today. I didn't know what to expect. I arrived at my 7:15 appointment, did blood work and ultrasound and that was it. They said we'll call you later on today with your levels. So this is what was on my mind all day. I had to camouflage my feelings as a they were being taken over by a flat tire, employee issues at work, speaking with contractors regarding daycare renovations, and being "therapist" for the parents whose children attend the center. The whole time I'm thinking , "What will my levels be?" "Why was the nurse so hesitant to give any results while I was there?"...and this is only the first monitoring visit. Finally, the nurse called and said that my Estradiol level was 77. So what does that mean? Is it good or is it bad? All I know is that they definately want the level to increase. It did that, but was it enough? When I asked the nurse did I have anything to worry about she said, "Not yet". What kind of response was that? Either I should or I shouldn't be concerned right now. She explained that it's too early to worry about anything right now, but for some reason I feel she's trying not to say something. They cancelled my appointment for tomorrow and told me to come on Sunday morning. Am I moving that slow to where I don't even need daily monitoring as planned? This is all too spontaneous. My type A personality is not allowing me to rest during this process. I'll just have to keep my eyes to the HILLS. Yeah, I know where my help comes from. So I pray right now for peace over this situation. I know God's has it right in the palm of His hands, and that's the safest place to be. NIGHT NIGHT! :)

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