Ok can someone tell me why it seems as if time is going in slllooooowwww motion? The date of my last blog SAYS yesterday, but I promise you it seems way longer than just a day. The events of the daycare, my personal life and the emotional rollercoster I am on due to hormone therapy says it has been much longer than that.
Let's see, what happened yesterday? My center opens at 6am. I am usually the one who opens the daycare. Sometimes, especially during this process, I wish I had a job that did not need me so much. We are in the growing process so I am dealing with county and state officials while trying to expand the center. A couple of years ago the daycare was my #1 priority, but now I have what seems to be more important things on my mind. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to God for all he has given me and for that I will remain faithful in this process of growth. It's just that sometimes I feel I have sacrificed so much for the business and we have definately had our share of road blocks. Now I'm ready to do something for ME. Make a decision that isn't based on the state of the business. Some people may feel that my fast paced life as a business owner is every reason not to have a child right now. Those are obviously people who are not in my shoes. I am 28 years old, and I am more than capable of knowing and understanding my desire for children. Sorry, I had some inner frustrations. :)
On to my yesterday....... After work, I went home to immediately begin working on what is soon to be our new home. My husband's grandmother gave us a home that is mortgage free and we are so grateful. This home came after we gave up our home (another sacrifice for the business...financial sacrifice) and moved into the daycare. You heard it right! My husband and I needed to save money for daycare renovations and other needs, so we packed our stuff and for 2 years lived in one room of the center. That's a "whole nother" Oprah. SO we are so thankful for this house that has been given to us. However, the house is like 5,000 years old and needs alot of work. We're almost done but almost doesnt count. I am so ready to move in. So , yesterday as usual I go to the house, my mother in-law, father in-law, are already working with my husband on his way. Everything goes as usual, except today I feel weird. I'm trying to look as normal as possible because no one in my husband's family know what we are going through right now.
My head is spinning, I'm very hot, and can't see clearly. I'm trying to carry on as usual until the most dramatic thing happen. I PASSED OUT!!!!!! What is this? I am now on the floor after somewhat of an epic faint. I hit my head on the wall, the whole 9 yards. So how am I going to exlain this? This happens just as everyone decide to come over and see the renovation progress... Grandparents, aunties, everybody. So now I have an audience. They were all scared and confused; but once I came to, I knew exactly what to blame. DUM DUM DUM (Horror sound effects)...The hormones are getting the best of me. Yeah I read the side effects and yes dizziness was among the list, but no one ever thinks they're going to actually feel the side effects. So now I am mad. Why? I can't explain it. I was so disappointed in this process. I think I felt somewhat betrayed by these hormones that are supposed to be giving us a child; but decides today to TAKE ME OUT. I know it sounds weird and I guess I'm over it today, but at the time it made perfect since.
So again I say.....All of that happened and it's only day 29? UGGGHHH!!!!
The House.... I can't wait for the AFTER shots.